Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/05/12 Dr.Oz’s Ultimate Anti-aging Plan for Your Skin Type

4/05/12  Dr.Oz’s Ultimate Anti-aging Plan for Your Skin Type
·         Common mistakes in your beauty routine can add years to your life.
·         Dark Skin:  need to use sunscreens to help your pigmentation.  Every sunscreen company is working on ultra-sheer lotions, so you wont get the white/chalky residue.  Anything that can irritate or dry out the skin and cause blotchy skin or pigmentation.  Switch between using a gentle soothing cleanser and an exfoliating wash.  Exfoliation will give you the glow and break up the pigmentation patches.  After cleansing use a gentle glycolic toner.  At night use a very hydrating night cream that is supplemented with anti-oxidents, peptides, and growth factors –they will help with sagging. 
·         Olive/medium skin tones:  can get hollowing out in the skin.  Can usually tan quite beautifully, but can also have hyper-pigmentation.  Use a cleaner based on skin type, use a gentle cleanser in the morning and something more foaming in the night- use 2 passes to make sure you get it all off.  After cleansing in the morning, use an antioxidant like a vit.c serum, it will help get what the sunscreen doesn’t block.  Use a skin lightening agent at night that has retinol.
·         Caucasion skin tones:  not as much collagen and melatonin as darker skin.  Can get earlier appearance of aging spots and higher risk for skin cancer.  Use a gentle cleanser in the morning, use cleansing makeup remover wipes in the evening before the nighttime routine.  Use a daily sunscreen, not just makeup with spf, look for moisturizers with spf30 and look for vit.A, C and E.  at night use an antioxidant, like a light OTC retinol. 
·         Miracle pill made from the Schizandra Berry.  It is considered a life-extender and a youth-enhancer in Chinese medicine.  It helps you adapt to medical and physical stress.  It is the “5 flavor berry” sweet, sour, salty, bitter and pungent all at the same time.  Used for health purposes, not to eat like a berry.  It protects the lipid membrane of your skin cells from premature destruction and aging, and also is an anti inflammatory and helps rid your body of toxins.  You can use a dried berry in a tea (steep for 5minutes), or have it as a juice- mix with apple juice to make it taste better.  It also boosts energy and helps you stay mentally alert, it improves memory and thought formation mental fatigue and concentration.  Use a 500mg extract capsule daily.
·         How to fake a lift and tuck and fake it like you made it: 
o   Chef Richard Blais (from Top Chef).  Cheaper version of surf and turf with champagne and caviar, and  is even better for you http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/surf-turf .  Swap the filet for hanger steak –lean and more flavor, swap lobster for shrimp, sparking wine like proseco or cava, and make eggplant caviar http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/eggplant-caviar  -it is eggplant and honey, it mimics the texture of caviar.  This version of the dinner costs $8.03.
o   Instead of surgery, use shapewear.  Use Hollywood breast lift tape, found in drugstores, instead of using a bra with straps showing.  The “yummy tummy” shapeware tank helps with the tummy.  “DKNY smoothies”  leggings can be used as outerwear or underwear. 
o   Exercise- David Kirsch’s celebrity workout;   “the Platypus Walk” for your butt.  Knees out and toes out in a squat, put elbows out and fingertips to your head, and stick your butt out and then walk like a duck one leg in front of the other, one at a time.  Keep abs tight the whole time.  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/david-kirschs-celebrity-workout -for more exercises.
·         A kitchen secret weapon to help you lose weight, cut down on time, and cut down on worry.  The muffin tin!  Use it to do a lasagna , or meatloaf, or herbs (for use in soups and stews) or a drink, and then freeze it for individual use.  Use it for portion control, use it to eat healthy things, you can pre-portion your snacks-veggie sticks, nuts, dried fruits –allow yourself a certain amount you have pre-measured.  You can also use it as a foot  massager and to strengthen your foot muscles and stretch them.  Put a marble or golf ball into the cups, and use your toes to pick it up and move it from chamber to chamber. 
·         Healthy Kentucky fried chicken from Todd Wilbur:  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/todd-wilburs-healthy-fried-chicken  which doesn’t fry it, and doesn’t contain MSG.  You brine the chicken first, it will make it moist and flavorful.  Original calorie count was 305 calories and 19 grams fat, this is 170 calories and 9grams of fat.  You can serve it with his version of their coleslaw http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/reduced-fat-and-calorie-coleslaw
·         Best anti-aging foods to keep in your fridge:  use pink grapefruit to protect your skin- for breakfast or a snack.  Eat red peppers to help reduce wrinkles- they aid in collagen production.  Collard greens are good for banishing blemishes, use as a base for salads or cook like you would spinach.  You can use cottage cheese as a facial moisturizer- not eating it, you make a moisturizing mask with 2Tb cottage cheese and 2Tb veg oil, apply to face and leave on for 15minutes.

4/09/12 The Ultimate guide to your health from A to Z

4/09/12  The Ultimate guide to your health from A to Z
·         Bloating/dizziness= A:  abdominal pain and abdominal bloating may be a warning sign of Diverticulitis.  The colon makes little holes that can trap feces that can get stuck and get inflames.  If you have bloating, severe abdominal pain –especially on the lower left side of your torso, and fever. 
·         B:  bladder issues.  Bacteria can move into the kidneys from the bladder.  Starts as a normal urinary tract infection.  Fever, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, and back pain-which can be a sign of kidney issues.   Can be checked by your doctor with a back tapping with their hand.
·         C: changes in smell.  Change in smell can be a sign of alzheimers.  You need to check a list of 12 smells:  strawberry, smoke, soap, peppermint, clove, pineapple, natural gas, lilac, lemon, leather, rose, and cherry.  You should be able to pick out 9 of the items correctly, these scents are all very unique.  If you cant, it may be a sign that something is happening in your brain.
·         D:   dizziness.  May be a sign of heart disease.  When enough blood isn’t getting to your brain and you get dizzy.  Nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, and jaw and neck pain –Angina. 
·         ****long interruption in program due to the news report on the Philly firefighters who died in the line of duty****
·         N= Nasal gongestion:  put 2 sprigs of rosemary or 2 sprigs eucalyptus into 3c boiling water, put a towel over your head and inhale it for 5minutes. 
·         O:  orgasm.  Eat asparagus, it has folate, a B-vitamin that helps boost arousal.
·         P:  psoriasis.  Make a paste of equal parts cayenne pepper and olive oil and apply to the itchy spots with a spoon.
·        Q:  Queasy.  Make a caraway mint tea.  1Tb caraway seeds, 1tsp dried mint, 12oz water, 1tsp honey, boil it up and let it steep, and drink.  Artichoke leaf extract, 1 capsule 2x a day will help with nausea.
·        R:  Rectal pain.  Hemorrhoids, etc.  need to soften the stool.  Dried figs contain a laxative and will increase the moisture content in stool.  Take 3 dried figs and put in water in fridge overnight.  They will get a little slimy, and take on empty stomach.  White radish and honey- 1c chopped white radish and drizzle honey on it and eat.
·        S: Soft Stool.  Poop should be shaped like the letter S.  need to firm up your stools.  “Band B oatmeal”= ½c blackberries, 1 banana, 1c steel cut oatmeal. 
·        T:  teeth whitening.  Rub the white of an orange peel once per day before brushing.
·        U:  Ugli fruit, it’s a mixture of grapefruit, orange and tangerine.  Doesn’t have any drug interactions and is very high in vit.c also. 
·        V: Vit.D3.  You get it from the sun also, and will boost the activity of your immune cells. 1,000 units per day.
·        W:  watermelon.  The red flesh contains glutothyone, the mother of all antioxidants.
Can strengthen your immune system, has vit.c, and has high concentration of Lycopene (found in tomatoes)
·         X:  triple x.  add ½ tsp Maca Powder to your smoothies or hot drinks to boost libido.
·         Y:  yellow nails.  Combine 1,00mg vit. E with 50mg of zinc daily.
·         Z:  getting your zzz’s (sleep).  Catnip bath: steep 1c dried catnip in hot water, strain and add to your bath before bed.  It promotes relaxation and sleep.  Buy the herb, not the kind sold at pet stores that may have other ingredients in it.   Try a “Sleepphone” it has Binaural beats that induce sleep, $39.99 online, it’s a fleece headband with imbedded speakers and has music to induce sleep.  Stay cool, as your body temp drops, it produces melatonin to help you sleep.  A good way to cool your sheets down is to add uncooked rice to a cotton sock, put in freezer for 45minutes, and place it under your pillow.  It will cool your pillow down and allow you to sleep better. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4/3/12 What the yuck? Your grossest questions ever!

4/03/12 “What the Yuck?”  Your grossest questions ever!
·         Why during menstruation do some people have very explosive diarrhea?:   This is very common.  The same chemicals that cause cramping can also cause the intestine to cramp and cause the “explosions”.   Take Ibuprofen, and take fiber to bulk up the stool.
·         Having really thick facial hairs which also can cause ingrown hairs:   Usually runs in the family.  To get rid of the ingrown hairs/bumps, use a moist towel to lie on the follicle, so that it is easier to move the skin back so it is easier to get to the hair and pull it up to remove it.  You need to make sure you don’t have scars from the ingrown hairs.
·         Getting a little throw up when you burp, and is it ok to swallow it?  It is from an air bubble, that causes a “vurp”, it means acid is going where is isn’t supposed to go.  Simethicone (180mg/day) can help.
·         Blackheads on breasts:  Can run in families.  Forms normally where you have oily skin and large pores, it is when the oils oxidize.  When you squeeze it the wrong way it can put bacteria into the blood stream and bring it to other areas of the body.  Can use Oil Blotting Rice Paper, can even put inside your bra.  If the blackhead is still too big, it may even be good to have them professionally removed.
·         Can a tampon get stuck up there?  There is a dead end, so it cant go anywhere.  The problem is that sometimes people forget they had a tampon in, especially when it’s towards the end of their period.  The put in a second tampon in, and it lodges the first one underneath the cervix where it can sit for weeks until the horrible odor develops.  The odor is because the PH balance is upset.l  “Rephresh” can help bring back the balance, do not douche, that is the worst solution.
·         During intercourse can he thrust too hard to cause damage?  Usually pain is from lack of lubrication, silicon lubricants last longer and are much better, use a long lasting moisturizer every few days.  If there is some bleeding, it is usually from inflammation or a benign polyp, which you should see your GYN.
·         Why does pee sometimes spray all over instead of a stream?  Something is blocking it, may just have longer labia than average, if you can take your fingers and separate your labia and the stream goes straight, that is the problem.  If not, get your doctor to make sure it isn’t something else.  If you sit on the toilet backwards, it separates the labia and fixes the stream.  There is also Labiaplasty surgery.

·         Kathy Freston’s secrets to having the body you always wanted naturally in 30days (book “The Lean”: 

·         Set your intention, and then lean into it.  No drastic routines. 

·         Week one: “morning metabolism makeover”- 2c brown rice, chopped dates and raw almonds, drizzle Agave, and heat up non dairy milk.  Drinking water (2 cups before every meal) as sometimes you are more thirsty than you are hungry. 

·         Week two:  take a mulit-vitamin, start to do power walks for 10minutes daily and add a little more each day so that you get 150minutes by the end of the week.

·         Week three:  eat fruit.  Swap out the sugars.  Strawberry pudding:  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/strawberry-pudding-recipe

·         Week four:  take the animals off of your plate for once a day.  Meat is very concentrated fat/calories, even chicken has 20% calories fat.  Choose black beans/lentils/tempeh instead.  Veggie sausage and sourkraut, lentil stew, chili…

·         No-meat Philly cheesesteak:  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/no-meat-philly-cheesesteak  (original Philly cheesesteak has over a thousand calories, this version is 500 calories)

v  Kathy’s 10minute beauty routine to make you look 10years younger: 
v  Rice powder mask:  can make your own with 6 Tb rice flower, 5tb soy milk, stir and put the paste onto your face and leave it on 20 minutes.  It will dry the oily skin, but not dry the dry skin.  Rub in circularly while washing off, it will be a scrubbing exfoliator. 
v  Strawberry paste for your teeth:  mix 3 ripe strawberries and 1tsp baking soda, paint it onto your teeth with toothbrush and leave on for 10minutes.  It will dislodge your stains and buff them off.  When done, rinse it out.
v  Organic makeups

·         Bonus tips:
·         Joint Pain:  make a paste of cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar, as thick as you want, apply over the aching joint and leave on a few minutes.
·         Stomach problems:  natural tea –put ginger ,coriander and peppermint and steep in hot water.
·         Irritated acne:  wash your face in oatmeal, can add honey to make it even more soothing
·         Sore throat:  put half a clove of cut garlic under your cheek, suck on it 10-15min occasionally crushing it against your teeth.  It will make you stink for a few days, but really helps.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4/02/2012 Supermarket Survival Guide!
·        80:20 = make sure 80% of your cart is filled with one-ingredient foods, foods that look as close to as they did when they first came out of the ground.  That gives you wiggle-room with the other 20%. 
·        Think global and international when going for spices
·        Eat before you go to the store-meal or a snack
·        Make a menu for the week, and base your list off of that menu
·        Meat/fish aisle:  have your meat, but double your fish.  Meat-look for loin and round in the title –leanest cuts- and 100% grass fed, or grass finished.  No more than one night of red meat for the week, 3-4 nights of fish, 3-4 chicken.  Buy fish first-the lighter and whiter for weight loss.  Meat on the bone is more flavorful, coat then with pretzels or chips. 
·        Produce aisle:  put half the cart filled with fruits/veggies.  Bagged pre-cut ready to eat veggie bags.  Freezer aisle for bargains.  Baby greens are sweeter and more tender, so you can eat them raw and not worry about how to cook them.  Potatoes with color, sweet/purple have more antioxidants and eat the skin for the fiber.  Buy produce that have near zero calories, celery/cabbage, they also keep you feeling full.  Citrus can replace salt for flavor.  Zest the lemons and limes, then use the juice.  Use fresh herbs.  Red onions for salad, the darker the peal the more pungent the flavor, whites for mostly cooking. 
·        Pasta/grain aisle:  try to eat whole grains that come right out of the ground –brown rice/quinoa.  Einkorn pasta- the original wheat, for gluten intolerance it is easier to digest, and has more fiber/protein.  “clean food” boosts metabolism, and burns cleaner –japanese crackers –high fiber and baked, not fired.  Pasta- the heavier the sauce, the fatter the pasta should be. 
·        Tricks markets use to make you spend more:  keep an eye on the end-caps, people think they are discounted items and pick them up, they aren’t always.  10 for $10 deals usually you don’t have to buy 10 for the deal.  Organic foods- not everything labeled as it will be organic.  Organic fish-there is no standardization so that is bogus, don’t buy it.  Spend the money for produce that gets heavier spray of pesticides –apples/berries, you can buy regular broccoli/asparagus.  Location:  the entrance you come in will determine how much you spend in the store, if you come in on the right side you tend to shop counterclockwise, if you come in on the left you tend to shop clockwise.  If you shop clockwise you tend to spend less money.  Stores sell the same item at different locations at different prices.  Dairy case you spend less money than the gourmet case.  Colorful foods aren’t always the freshest, some fruits are given a chemical treatment to give it a longer shelf life.  Halogen lights make the produce look brighter and more colorful, if you want to buy fresh make sure to buy in-season produce. 
·         For transformation nation, need to get final weigh in from 4/2-4/9.  If you get your final weigh-in this week, you can join WW for free.
·         5 rules to follow for a family:
1.      If you wouldn’t feed it to yourself, don’t feed it to your kids
2.      Smart snacking- low-fat dairy, high fiber, fruits and veg
3.      Cook and eat as a family at least 3x/week.  Find the time.  Doesn’t have to be just dinner, can be weekend brunch.
4.      Be active every day-make it fun
5.      Nobody is exempt from the rules- mom cant say she is too busy to exercise, but make the kids do a sport
Healthy dinner the whole family can make:
·         Stromboli using whole wheat pizza dough.  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/ham-and-turkey-stromboli

·         Boxed cake mix made healthy – bake off:

1.      Pina colada cupcakes:  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/pi-colada-cupcakes  -replace oil and eggs with crushed pineapple and coconut milk, uses fat free/sugarfree vanilla pudding for topping instead of icing. 
2.      Dark chocolate berry layer cheesecake:  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/dark-chocolate-berry-layer-cheesecake-recipe  substitute eggs/oil with egg whites and unsweetened applesauce. 
3.      Olive oil zucchini cake:  http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/olive-oil-zucchini-cake-recipe  reduced oil and used a mixture of olive oil and greek yogurt instead of canola oil and added carrot/zucchini and spices to boost metabolism. 

·         Bonus tips:  Ak-Mak flatbreads- boost metabolism and are high fiber/whole grain will make you feel fuller.  Mix high fiber cereal with dark chocolate for family snacks.  Use light coconut milk in place of canola oil when baking with a boxed cake mix to save 65grams of fat.  *kefir milk- has more healthy bacteria than yogurt –use on cereal or in a smoothie.  Try no sugar added tapioca pudding for a treat, few unhealthy fats.  Soy yogurt for heart health, it is lower in sugar/sodium than regular yogurt.