Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/09/12 The Ultimate guide to your health from A to Z

4/09/12  The Ultimate guide to your health from A to Z
·         Bloating/dizziness= A:  abdominal pain and abdominal bloating may be a warning sign of Diverticulitis.  The colon makes little holes that can trap feces that can get stuck and get inflames.  If you have bloating, severe abdominal pain –especially on the lower left side of your torso, and fever. 
·         B:  bladder issues.  Bacteria can move into the kidneys from the bladder.  Starts as a normal urinary tract infection.  Fever, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, and back pain-which can be a sign of kidney issues.   Can be checked by your doctor with a back tapping with their hand.
·         C: changes in smell.  Change in smell can be a sign of alzheimers.  You need to check a list of 12 smells:  strawberry, smoke, soap, peppermint, clove, pineapple, natural gas, lilac, lemon, leather, rose, and cherry.  You should be able to pick out 9 of the items correctly, these scents are all very unique.  If you cant, it may be a sign that something is happening in your brain.
·         D:   dizziness.  May be a sign of heart disease.  When enough blood isn’t getting to your brain and you get dizzy.  Nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, and jaw and neck pain –Angina. 
·         ****long interruption in program due to the news report on the Philly firefighters who died in the line of duty****
·         N= Nasal gongestion:  put 2 sprigs of rosemary or 2 sprigs eucalyptus into 3c boiling water, put a towel over your head and inhale it for 5minutes. 
·         O:  orgasm.  Eat asparagus, it has folate, a B-vitamin that helps boost arousal.
·         P:  psoriasis.  Make a paste of equal parts cayenne pepper and olive oil and apply to the itchy spots with a spoon.
·        Q:  Queasy.  Make a caraway mint tea.  1Tb caraway seeds, 1tsp dried mint, 12oz water, 1tsp honey, boil it up and let it steep, and drink.  Artichoke leaf extract, 1 capsule 2x a day will help with nausea.
·        R:  Rectal pain.  Hemorrhoids, etc.  need to soften the stool.  Dried figs contain a laxative and will increase the moisture content in stool.  Take 3 dried figs and put in water in fridge overnight.  They will get a little slimy, and take on empty stomach.  White radish and honey- 1c chopped white radish and drizzle honey on it and eat.
·        S: Soft Stool.  Poop should be shaped like the letter S.  need to firm up your stools.  “Band B oatmeal”= ½c blackberries, 1 banana, 1c steel cut oatmeal. 
·        T:  teeth whitening.  Rub the white of an orange peel once per day before brushing.
·        U:  Ugli fruit, it’s a mixture of grapefruit, orange and tangerine.  Doesn’t have any drug interactions and is very high in vit.c also. 
·        V: Vit.D3.  You get it from the sun also, and will boost the activity of your immune cells. 1,000 units per day.
·        W:  watermelon.  The red flesh contains glutothyone, the mother of all antioxidants.
Can strengthen your immune system, has vit.c, and has high concentration of Lycopene (found in tomatoes)
·         X:  triple x.  add ½ tsp Maca Powder to your smoothies or hot drinks to boost libido.
·         Y:  yellow nails.  Combine 1,00mg vit. E with 50mg of zinc daily.
·         Z:  getting your zzz’s (sleep).  Catnip bath: steep 1c dried catnip in hot water, strain and add to your bath before bed.  It promotes relaxation and sleep.  Buy the herb, not the kind sold at pet stores that may have other ingredients in it.   Try a “Sleepphone” it has Binaural beats that induce sleep, $39.99 online, it’s a fleece headband with imbedded speakers and has music to induce sleep.  Stay cool, as your body temp drops, it produces melatonin to help you sleep.  A good way to cool your sheets down is to add uncooked rice to a cotton sock, put in freezer for 45minutes, and place it under your pillow.  It will cool your pillow down and allow you to sleep better. 

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