Thursday, March 22, 2012

3/19/12 Eat twice as much and lose 10 pounds –with Hungry Girl Lisa Lillian

3/19/12 Eat twice as much and lose 10 pounds –with Hungry Girl Lisa Lillian
·         Ways to swap for favorite foods, and eat a lot of food while losing weight.  She has a ton of books and has daily emails.
·         “pasta expanders”:  ways to bulk up pasta meals.   “mega mac & cheese” which is super creamy  and has cauliflower to bulk it up (410 in normal recipe, this is 198).   “ez cheesy lasagna” which uses real noodles but bulks it up using eggplant –the eggplant is sliced thin lengthwise to look like lasagna noodles (2 servings  of this is 250 calories, instead of 850)
·         “frozen food mega meals”:  the whopper stopper – uses boca burgers, a lot of veggies, and thin high fiber bun.  Can use low cal condiments on it (670 in a normal whopper, this is 220) .  When you want to have a frozen dinner (lean cuisine) they have a lot of extra sauce, but a small portion.  Take a bag of frozen veggies, steam it, and mix it into the meal to give a lot of bulk, doubling the portion size, and only adds 60calories which are all vegetables.
·         “supersized sweets and treats”:   “red hot apple pie in a mug” uses redhot candies (490 calories in a normal slice of pie, 135 per mug for this) .  “club soda chocolate cake” –box cakes ask for eggs an oil which you really don’t need.  Take one box of moist style dark choco cake mix –or any flavor- and add one 12oz can of club soda, mix and bake.  Saves 100 calories per slice and tons of fat.  (290 calories down to 171).
·         Tips from ladies that lost weight following her diet:  “dip, don’t pour” for dressings/sauces.
·         For those who think they cant cook, she has a dinner for 300 calories that anyone can cook.  “pan fried chicken parm for 2”.  Uses fiber one breakfast cereal  and spices instead of bread crumbs, use an egg substitute to dip the chicken in first.  Cook 4min each side.  Use a low fat tomato sauce and low fat cheese to it in the pan,  (1090 in traditional chicken parm, this is 258 calories).
§  Constipation
§  The very healthy average person usually puts out 160 pounds of poop, when constipated; you probably put out 18 pounds –over a year.  Water and fiber bulk up the poop, if you don’t have the right amount at the right time, you get backed up.  Checklist to know if you are constipated:  fewer than 3 stools per week; are your stools hard and painful?  Are you pushing more than you are pooping?
§  Simple solutions:  
1.      When you are pooping less than 3x per week, take a shot of sesame oil once a day, it will oil up your intestines.  It stimulates the gut, and is a lubricant and laxative.  Have a “constipation breakfast bar” , it has fiber/berries/seeds/applesauce –gives you magnesium and will get you to go.  And are no-cook.
2.      Yoga move:  lie on your back, grab your right knee and pull it up to your chest, raise the leg and rock back and forth a little –side to side.
·         Acid reflux   -if left untreated for a long time, it can become a dangerous medical issue or even cancerous.  Symptoms= acidy stomach, burping, rumbling, painful in the throat.  The acid works it way up and into the vocal cords –causing hoarseness or esophageal cancer.  Acidic foods will contribute to the acid in your stomach (citrus, vodka, pasta sauce, alcohol).  Caffeinated and spicey foods loosen the connection in the sphincter allowing the acid to come up, caffine/choco/soda. Fatty foods like butter slows the transit of food in your stomach, so it stays there longer.  Tight clothes around the belly will push the acid back up your stomach.  If you wear them chronically they will cause flair ups. Aloe vera juice $5/bottle, is a natural acid buffer.  Chewing bubble gum 30min after a meal, any kind gum, stimulates saliva in mouth, neutralizes the acid, forces the acid in the right direction –not mint gum which can aggravate it.  
·         Uncontrollable belly bloat-   4 fast simple cures
Salt, dairy, and carbs combined together will cause bloating.  Use “spike salt-free magic” salt-alternative $3.  Dandelion tea stimulates the bile and stimulates the intestines to work, and is a mild diuretic.  1 cup per day when you are bloating.  White Bean Hummus actually soaks up the water in your intestines, so you can get rid of it.  A Belly Massage you can do- rub the right bottom pelvic area just above the bone, press fingers together and work up towards rib cage then across the middle, and then down to the left pelvic bone.  –also works for constipation.
·         Bonus Tips:  best packaged foods to eat all day long- for breakfast, eat vitamuffins vita tops which are full of fiber.  Evol mini burritos for lunch, each is lowcal/lowfat and microwavable.  Snack= Lesser Evil baked veggie sticks.  Dinner- Amy’s toaster pops pizza.

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