Thursday, March 22, 2012

3/22/2012 The controversial RX pill that women are taking for diet/energy/more focused- Adderall, Ritalyn, and Concerta

3/22/2012  The controversial RX pill that women are taking for diet/energy/more focused-  Adderall, Ritalyn, and Concerta
·         Makes them feel like supermoms and lose weight, even thought they don’t have ADD.  They lie to the doctor, take their kids, or get them from friends.  Taking them under the table can put you at a serious risk.
·         They felt very low energy, were very forgetful, and overweight. 
·         Adderall dramatically stops the stomach movement and stops the appetite.  When you abuse these drugs in order to lose weight when you aren’t diagnosed for ADD, it becomes dangerous.  It is the number one overly prescribed drug, and the choice of many celebrities.  There were a million more rx’s  written last year than people diagnosed for ADD.  The drugs causes you to not eat that much, but raises heart rate and lungs will breath quicker, and then shut off blood supply to parts of the body- which can cause arrhythmia, strokes, & heart attacks.  Can cause rage, sleeplessness, and depression.  You cannot sustain on this drug if you do not have ADD.  They are very addictive drugs because they are a stimulant, and tolerance will build up and can spiral into eating disorders. 
·         Best questions to ask yourself to see if you really have ADD:  how often do you have trouble with details? Do you miss appointments/lose your keys/forget what someone just told you?  How often do you start a project and never complete it? 
·         Even 10minutes a day of an intense burst of exercise can keep you balanced with the feel-good chemicals in your body and combat add/depression.  To increase dopamine, eat lean protein and leafy greens.  Put on music while doing chores, sex/cuddling, ask someone out on a date if you are single. 
·         Natural alternatives to prescription drugs –the cheapest alternatives: 
A.      Acid reflux- take apple cider vinegar, 2 TBS diluted into 4oz water, don’t take if you have an ulcer.
B.      Hypo thyroidism- use L-Tyrosine, it is all natural, it will get your thryroid to produce more thyroid hormone.  It is under $20, take 1500mg 2X/day.
C.      Pain- “California poppy” it is non-addictive and a powerful pain medication that tells the brain to increase the opiate receptors.  For muscular skeletal pain.  You cant patent something that comes from nature, so drug companies cant patent it and make money, so they wont invest money into studies that prove it is a powerful analgesic.  ¾ tsp once per day before bed.  It will help you sleep better.  Cost will be only $25/month.
D.     High blood pressure- green unroasted coffee bean extract, there is a plant derived nutrient that helps open blood vessels and decrease overall blood pressure.  It is gone when the beans are roasted.  200mg capsules, $7, once per day.
·        Surviving Allergies
·        We are in for the worst allergy season EVER because a wet summer followed by a warm winter, plants are blooming way ahead of schedule and pollen is in overdrive and earlier this year.
·        Tree pollen:  maple/birch/oak, and flowers- sunflowers are the worst, there are some new hybrids that are pollen free but cant tell by looking at them.
·        Allergic to pollen?:  itchy eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion –more eye issues
·        Mold:  it is invisible outside.  1:10 are allergic to both indoor and outdoor mold and don’t even know they have it.  Cant smell it or taste it.  After rain storms mold counts are higher.  Mold causes a lot of nasal symptoms rather than your eyes –post nasal drip, stuffiness, and congestion.
·        Springtime survival kit to make it through this allergy season, the best quick cures:
1.      Itchy eyes- sunglasses will block pollen from entering your eyes.  Take baby shampoo mixed with water when washing your face in the morning, very gently irrigate around your eyelids, it will push the pollen away and reduce your symptoms.  Wash your eyeglasses/sunglasses.  “Pataday” is an eyedrop antihistamine that you use once per day.
2.      Stuffy nose- nasonex is once per day nasal spray for congestion, patanase is one spray per day and an antihistamine RX.
3.      Sneezing- “machine gun sneezing” especially.  Saline spray to rinse the pollen out of your nose, followed by histamine blockers- zyrtec/claritan –whichever works best for you. 
4.      Itchy nose- people that constantly rub their nose may develop a crease in the middle of their nose –transverse nasal crease.  Wearing a hat will prevent the pollen from getting into your face and hair.  Hair gel is a pollen magnet.  Shampoo your hair in the evening so it wont get onto your pillows. 
5.      80-90% people can benefit from an allergy shot. 

·        Is your house making you sick?
·        Some allergies are year round and triggered by things in your house.  One of the biggest causes is cockroaches.  If you have one, there are probably 800.  They cause rashes, acute asthma attacks.  They can get into blenders and wall cracks.  You can put bay leaves into wall cracks-they don’t like it.  Boric acid can be sprinkled in the back of cabinets. 
·        Dust mites- in pillows etc.  there are dust mite covers you can get for pillows/mattresses.  Wash bedding and pillows in 130degree water, or hot dryer for 45minutes and it will kill all the dust mites and remove the dead skin.
·        Mold- can cause chronic headaches.  Mold loves damp.  If on tiles or walls, use plastic gloves and a mask and scrub with soap and water to remove it, not toxic stuff. 
·        Fruit- the surface of fruit has very similar properties to pollen.  If you peel the fruit, you can help to avoid the subtle symptoms of allergies.  Very similar to the pollen in birch trees.  Washing doesn’t really help.  Eat dried fruit, or cook the fruit for 30 seconds in the microwave to kill the pollen on it.
·        Bonus tip:  use a juicer to supercharge the fruit and keep you energized.  (dr.oz’s green drink);  use an electric toothbrush to prevent cardiac diseases- they will make sure to remove the plaque and prevent gum disease;  yoga mat- start the day with a 7minute yoga routine –also a great way to reduce stress at night.  Get into the “cow pose” which looks awkward but feels good, it stretches out your hips, releases your back, you lean forward then spin around your body to the same pose in the opposite direction. (I couldn’t find a video link for this though…)

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